Ready To Show Up With Confidence?
Get noticed and get respect by showing up online 
as a confident professional.
Ready To Show Up With Confidence?
Get noticed and get respect by showing up online as a confident professional.
The World has Changed.
Virtual Meetings are the “New Normal

The pandemic changed the world in every way possible. 

The order of the world before 2020 will not come back. 

The “OLD” way of showing up at work and how we interact with others has changed drastically. 

Virtual meetings or online video conferencing is the “New Normal.” 

And it is not going to go back to the “old way” in the near future.

But not everybody is adapting to the “New Normal” successfully.
You don’t want to make embarrassing mistakes in front of your clients or your prospects...
What is the cost of presenting yourself badly in virtual meetings? 
  • Become a running joke...
  • Humiliation...
  • Loss of respect...
  • ​Not taken seriously...
  • ​ Loss of credibility...
  • ​Loss of trust...
  • ​Even loss of potential business opportunities from new (even old) clients.

New Challenges Require
New Knowledge And Skills 

Giving you the knowledge, skills and tools you need to show up with confidence and project an air of professionalism in online video conferencing calls. 

So you can get more clients and be treated with more respect by your prospects or colleagues.
Here is what you will learn...
To present yourself confidently in online meetings
This training course is designed to give you hands-on knowledge and training on presenting yourself better in online video conferences without expensive tech or equipment.

 I demonstrate each step, so you don’t miss or misunderstand anything.

MODULE 1 - Mindset

The empowering mindset you need to adopt to show up with confidence in any virtual meeting.


  • Why your mindset is very important to show up with confidence.
  • ​Simple techniques to "Get in the Zone" to make you more confident and presentable for any online meeting.
  • ​Why being "Yourself" will help you break down that "initial freeze" response you experience when you first show up in an online meeting. 
  • ​Simple techniques to build instant rapport and connection with others in the meetings. 

MODULE 2 - Lighting

The most important element to look professional & confident on camera


  • Why good lighting is the single most important secret to look great on any camera.
  • ​The simple (but very powerful) techniques to use lamps to get the best lighting to show up with confidence.
  • ​Why window light is the best indoor light source and how to utilize it easily to get that "Soft Glow" on your face. (so you can look amazing without spending a dime) 
  • ​My secret technique (using just a white piece of paper) to get that amazing movie star glow on your face. (Just one technique from my 30+ years of career as a photographer). 
  • ​My top recommendations for indoor lighting sources from simple to more professional. And no-nonsense practical guidelines on how to use those lighting sources to present yourself better.

MODULE 3 - Background

The secret to showing up with confidence and look professional even in your kitchen


  • ​Practical tips and tactics in gaining privacy in your home even if you have young kids running around.
  • ​How to indicate professionalism by choosing the right background - a real-life practical guide. 
  • ​Do you think you don’t have a good background, or is your background too cluttered? I will show you how to set up a virtual background without breaking a sweat.
  • ​Limitations of "Green Screen" and how to overcome these limitations easily. 
  • ​Practical guidelines to follow when choosing a "Green Screen." 

MODULE 4 - Posing

The secrets to look elegant and confident on camera 


  • The 5 essentials of making a great first impression in online meetings.
  • Hollywood Posing secrets simplified. I show you the small changes and tweaks you can make immediately to vastly improve your facial expressions and posture on camera even if you believe you are unattractive, overweight or have “big” features.
  • ​What is the best height to place your camera or even your laptop?

    MODULE 5 - All About Cameras 

All the essential knowledge you need to know about cameras and camera quality without all the techno-babbles: I simplify everything and show you examples so even a 5-year-old can understand.


  • ​Should you use the built-in microphone and webcam on your computer? 
  • ​My simple, inexpensive method to increase the quality of your microphone quickly. 
  • ​You have three camera options - I’ll show you how to make the best choice based on your needs and financial resources.
  • ​Should you buy a professional DSLR camera? I will explain all the pros and cons of professional cameras so you can make informed decisions based on your needs.

Enroll today and get these valuable additional bonus trainings for FREE

BONUS #1: Show Up with Confidence Checklist
Completely printable checklist with all the key lessons and techniques I cover in the main course. 

So you don’t have to go back and review the lessons every time you have a meeting. 

Keep this handy on your desk, hang it on the wall, and quickly run through it before a meeting. 

So you can make sure you are fully prepared to show up with confidence. 
BONUS #2: 4 Secrets to Making a Great First Impression Online
First impressions last, even online. 

Most of us know how to make a great first impression of a face-to-face situation.

Most of us were good at it. 

But now, how can we make a great first impression in virtual meetings? 

In this guide, I give you 4 secrets of making a great first impression in online meetings. 

Your first impression matters especially if you are meeting with new clients or your superiors. 

Learn the simple secrets, so you can make a lasting impression.
. Get This FREE When You Enrol Today!
bonus #3: Yoga Flow to Show Up with Confidence
I collaborated with Sam Newton from InPower Yoga to show you my favourite morning practice that prepares my body and mind and sets the intentions for the day. 

She will demonstrate the simple yoga-based body moment and meditation practice to prepare your mind and body to tackle any challenge with confidence and poise. 

You will feel a newfound sense of aliveness and inner peace after this simple practice. 

Practice this simple routine to feel that peace and inner confidence even before you show up in the meeting. 
. Get This FREE When You Enrol Today!
What Other Professionals Have To Say About 
“Show Up With Confidence” Training
I think this is genius. It is simple logic that escapes so many people. The only thing we differ on is the "virtual background". I find it unprofessional and better suited for a casual environment. I have never seen a professional put up a fake background. They are usually beach pics and nature shots which look cute.....
I think the article is not just well written but necessary. It would be a pleasure to share this with the many organizations I work with.

- Mark Wood

This is so awesome, Bryan! I wouldn’t change a single thing – good job.

- Lynn

This was great! And I loved the part about not wanting to see bra’s hanging on the door! Lol We have a Zoom meeting tomorrow and I am going to try all your suggestions. Lynn always says that I am so dark compared to everyone else on the screen so hopefully tomorrow I will look the most professional! I’ll let you know how it goes!

- Kim W

“Show Up With Confidence” is right for you...
 If you are...

Frustrated with not getting your camera, lighting, or sound correctly to look and sound confident and professional in online meetings with your prospects, your team, or clients.

Confused with the tech set up to look professional and sound confident on Zoom or other online conferencing calls. 

Tired of not looking confident and professional in online meetings, but not sure how to change that. 

Fed up with appearing poor on video and sound unclear and not confident while others look so good and sound clear and confident. 

Angry at not being taken seriously or treated with respect because of how you appear on video or how you sound. 

Passionate about showing up with confidence and projecting a professional aura and attracting new clients, and commanding the respect of your prospects, clients or your team. 

Inside Show up with Confidence I will take you by the hand and walk you through step-by-step all about lighting, background, cameras and all you need to know to present yourself confidently and appear professional. 
No tech skills or expensive equipment are required. I simplify everything and demonstrate each step with real-life examples.
“Show Up With Confidence” is right for you...
 If you are...
  • Frustrated with not getting your camera, lighting, or sound correctly to look and sound confident and professional in online meetings with your prospects, your team, or clients.
  • ​Confused with the tech set up to look professional and sound confident on Zoom or other online conferencing calls. 
  • Tired of not looking confident and professional in online meetings, but not sure how to change that. 
  • Fed up with appearing poor on video and sound unclear and not confident while others look so good and sound clear and confident. 
  • ​Angry at not being taken seriously or treated with respect because of how you appear on video or how you sound. 
  • Passionate about showing up with confidence and projecting a professional aura and attracting new clients, and commanding the respect of your prospects, clients or your team. 
Inside Show up with Confidence I will take you by the hand and walk you through step-by-step all about lighting, background, cameras and all you need to know to present yourself confidently and appear professional. 
No tech skills or expensive equipment are required. I simplify everything and demonstrate each step with real-life examples.
The Transformation You can Expect After Completing "Show up with Confidence"

What you  DON'T need to show up with Confidence? 

Expensive Tech Stuff or Equipment
I will show you how to improvise what you already have in your home without buying expensive equipment.

Being a Tech Genius

I simplify everything and demonstrate each step with real equipment. So you can easily learn.

Expensive Outfit and Accessories
You can present your best self confidently using the outfits or accessories you already have. It is all about mindset. 
Professional Office Space
Watch my methods to transform your bedroom or even your kitchen to look like a professional office space.

Look like a Supermodel
I show you how to present your best self and project your best features even if you believe you are unattractive or too old.
Expensive Tech Stuff or Equipment
I will show you how to improvise what you already have in your home without buying expensive equipment.
Being a Tech Genius
I simplify everything and demonstrate each step with real equipment. So you can easily learn.

Expensive Outfit and Accessories
You can present your best self confidently using the outfits or accessories you already have. It is all about mindset. 
Professional Office Space
Watch my methods to transform your bedroom or even your kitchen to look like a professional office space.
Look like a Supermodel
I show you how to present your best self and project your best features even if you believe you are unattractive or too old.
Expensive Tech Stuff or Equipment
I will show you how to improvise what you already have in your home without buying expensive equipment.
Being a Tech Genius
I simplify everything and demonstrate each step with real equipment. So you can easily learn.

Expensive Outfit and Accessories
You can present your best self confidently using the outfits or accessories you already have. It is all about mindset. 
Professional Office Space
Watch my methods to transform your bedroom or even your kitchen to look like a professional office space.
Look like a Supermodel
I show you how to present your best self and project your best features even if you believe you are unattractive or too old.
You Are Protected With My 100% Risk-Free Guarantee.
This training program has the power to change your professional life profoundly. 

However, after completing the first two modules within the training program, if you find that it does not meet your expectations or offers enough value…

Simply send me an email within 14 days of your purchase, and I will completely refund your money. No question asked. 

I am offering this kind of a bold guarantee simply because I believe what I teach here is rare knowledge and techniques accumulated and perfected over 35+ years of my life as a professional photographer. 

So you have nothing to lose but can gain the power to present yourself confidently and claim respect and close the sales you want.  

Bryan Macaulay is a professional photographer with over 35 years of experience. He has been perfecting the art and science of capturing the best moments on camera since he was a little boy. 

Bryan has helped over 10,000 professionals and families present themselves confidently, highlighting their best selves in photos. 

During the 2020 quarantine, Bryan got an overwhelming amount of questions from his friends and clients - asking help with their camera and how to present their best self on camera for online video conferencing calls. 

Those requests forced Bryan to organize his 35+ years of knowledge, experience and techniques and present them in a non-technical and beginner-friendly manner. 

“Show Up With Confidence” is the compilation of Bryan’s 35 years of accumulated knowledge, techniques and experience with cameras, lighting, posing and how to present your best self. 

His simple, non-technical approach with the passion for demonstrating everything step-by-step makes this training a unique and practical learning experience that cannot be found anywhere on the internet. 

Bryan Macaulay is a professional photographer with over 35 years of experience. He has been perfecting the art and science of capturing the best moments on camera since he was a little boy. 

Bryan has helped over 10,000 professionals and families present themselves confidently, highlighting their best selves in photos. 

During the 2020 quarantine, Bryan got an overwhelming amount of questions from his friends and clients - asking help with their camera and how to present their best self on camera for online video conferencing calls. 

Those requests forced Bryan to organize his 35+ years of knowledge, experience and techniques and present them in a non-technical and beginner-friendly manner. 

“Show Up With Confidence” is the compilation of Bryan’s 35 years of accumulated knowledge, techniques and experience with cameras, lighting, posing and how to present your best self. 

His simple, non-technical approach with the passion for demonstrating everything step-by-step makes this training a unique and practical learning experience that cannot be found anywhere on the internet. 

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Order Today!

Show Up with Confidence Video Training Course 

($250 Value)

BONUS: Show Up with Confidence Printable Checklist

($55 Value)

BONUS: 4 Secrets to Making a Great First Impression Online Guide

($55 Value)

BONUS: Yoga Flow for Show Up with Confidence

($99 Value)

BONUS: Tips & Tricks to Manage Your Kids while on Zoom

($30 Value)

Total Value: $489

Get it all today for

ONLY $89

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Order Today!

Show Up with Confidence Video Training Course 

($250 Value)

BONUS: Show Up with Confidence Printable Checklist

($55 Value)

BONUS: 4 Secrets to Making a Great First Impression Online Guide

($55 Value)

BONUS: Yoga Flow for Show Up with Confidence

($99 Value)

Total Value: $459

Get it all today for

ONLY $89

Show Up with Confidence Video Training Course 

(A $250 Value)

Show Up with Confidence Printable Checklist

(A $55 Value)

4 Secrets to Making a Great First Impression Online Guide

(A $55 Value)

Yoga Flow for Show Up with Confidence

(A $99 Value)

Total Value: $450

Get it all today for 
ONLY $89


I am tech-phobic; I literally get nervous when it comes to tech. 
So will this work for a person like me?

I created this training course with zero tech-babbles or complicated tech training.

Whenever there is tech stuff, I take you by the hand and explain and demonstrate. 

In fact, I believe even a 10-year-old can understand what I teach.

So rest assured you won’t find any tech confusion. I simplify everything and show you step by step. 

Do I need a professional office space or other expensive tech 
equipment for this course? 

Absolutely NOT.

Although the quality will be improved with expensive tech, that’s nothing to hold you back. 

I will show you how to improvise with what you got at home in the best possible way. 

I am not good-looking... I am overweight... I am losing my hair, etc. 
So how can I show up with confidence? 

None of us are perfect, or we are not supermodels. We all have imperfections.

The simple technique is to highlight your best features on the camera. 

I will show you how to use position and angles to your advantage and show your best self online. 

So you can present yourself with confidence.

Will this help for face-to-face interactions as well?

Show Up with Confidence aims to give you all the knowledge and skillset to present yourself with confidence and project professionalism.

However, some of the skills are transferable to face-to-face interactions as well.

Can I share this with my team?

Every individual needs to have a separate account for this course. Login credentials for this training program cannot be shared.

To activate additional team members, email us here:

Can I get a refund if I change my mind?

I offer a 100% money-back guarantee within the first 14 days of purchasing this training course.

After completing the first two modules of the course, if you decide this training does not meet your expectations simply send me an email, and I will refund your money within 24 hours. 

Ready to present yourself better in online video conferences?

...without expensive tech or equipment

Ready to present yourself better in online video conferences?

...without expensive tech or equipment
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